Leading in the midst of a pandemic

Do you see a crisis as a burden or an opportunity? Can you be a real leader when facing a critical situation? Strong leadership is not demonstrated simply by driving people towards a goal, but by showing the courage to lead. By being adaptable, by showing readiness for discussion with your co-workers, by taking time […]
How to get fruitful feedback

Feedback is an essential element of mentorship or, for the record, leadership. Without feedback, mentees, junior scientists, and staff alike will most likely get the advice or the instructions from you as their mentor and/or PI might think they need. But you will never know whether what they get will support them as good as […]
Advanced courses in leadership and management skills are available!

We often get very good feedback from our courses. And sometimes, course participants contact us after some time and ask for a follow-up course to refresh relevant skills and broaden the set of essential tools and techniques to lead and manage. Well, we heard you! Exclusively to our hfp consulting course alumni and for a […]
How we help the scientific community with leadership and management skills courses

In a series of recent career advice articles (1, 2) in Science, Lucas Laursen gave an overview of opportunities for scientist to acquire leadership and management skills, which we believe are essential for today’s challenges in an academic environment. The articles give a good overview and mention a number of important leadership and management tasks scientists face […]
Factors for Successful Science – the SystemsX.ch retreat 2013

SystemsX.ch is a highly successful, collaborative research initiative for Systems Biology in Switzerland with an impressive scientific output: Over 250 scientific papers were published under SystemsX.ch grants in the last five years. The initiative comprises more than 250 researchers from 12 partner universities and institutes, currently working on some 100 projects. To foster the scientific exchange and networking […]
How to actively fill out the role as a (female) leader

In out last article, we presented some scientific evidence that women are disadvantaged in academic science environments. Other than implementing often controversially discussed quota policies, surprisingly little is done to counteract this gender imbalance, particularly found among leaders. In our Female Leaders in Science (FLIS) course, which was initiated and organised by EMBO earlier this year, we chose […]
Leadership training for core facility managers

A more recent development in research institutes and science faculties bundles important analysis methods, such as microscopy, microarrays or proteomics in central facilities. The advantages are clear cut. Expensive technical equipment is located at one central spot and maintained by dedicated and knowledgable technical staff. The services of these facilities can then be offered to […]
Background? Check!

Since 2005 hfp consulting has provided leadership skills training to the international scientific community. We pioneered this service in close collaboration with the European Molecular Biolology Organization (EMBO). Together with EMBO we set up the course series “The Art of Leadership” and we are still highly involved in this successful programme. Other organisations followed and […]