Courses and Workshops

Leadership and Management Skills

Career Development

individual coaching

Executive Coaching

Peer groups
Since 2005 we give courses for leadership and management skills for scientists. Participants of our courses often include senior scientists and upper management of research institutions. Senior executives and research professors often have very specific questions and face challenges which go beyond the scope of our Leadership and Management Skills workshops.
We offer individual coaching, for all levels of seniority. These coaching sessions are highly personalised in scope and content. Our coaching skills can help to adjust to new leadership roles, in confidence building, personal growth, crisis, preparation for scientific boards and career decisions. They are exclusively led by a specialised team of hfp consultants.
If you are interested to learn more about coaching possibilities, please contact us to discuss how we can help you progress by personal coaching.
International Training Programmes
We provide structured training programmes for many types of international funding programmes such as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks (MSCA DN) (previously Innovative Training Networks or ITN) and COFUND actions, Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB), Exzellenz Initiative, Horizon Europe and Euraxess Europe and many more.
We can deliver courses on transferable skills for scientists and, at the same time, help fulfill the programme’s evaluation criteria. Through our experience in providing training for several networks, and being involved as partner organisation with some, we have gained much experience and identified successful training schemes.
Our key role will be to organise workshops on transferable skills for Early Stage Researchers (phd students and postdocs). In parallel, we will run leadership training sessions for involved senior scientists. Providing relevant courses for senior scientists on how to mentor students will feed back on the professional development of ESRs and increase the impact of the overall training. Our training programme will help to foster the collaboration and scientific exchange among researchers of the network, thus contributing to the scientific excellence of the projects. Researchers can strongly benefit from the training programme for both their actual work in research and for their future careers.

Theme Oriented Retreat
Retreats are fantastic opportunities to strengthen team coherence, refocus, recharge, increase motivation, and tap into the pool of creativity and knowledge of everyone to advance scientifically. Retreats also require a lot of time for preparation, thereby binding resources, and often the precious time at such events is thus used ineffectively.
We help you develop a tailored and targeted programme for your laboratory and departmental retreat. We define the focus of your retreat together and we provide useful and versatile workshop modules and organised group activities at the actual event. Contact us to discuss how we can help your retreat become a lasting success