I could apply CaDYS and ProDYS learnings since day one, both to my professional and private life

Julia Villarroel

Interview with Julia Villarroel, a former participant on both career development (CaDYS) and professional development (ProDYS) for young scientists’ courses. What made you choose hfp consulting’s workshops?  I’m a scientist and a bioinformatician by training and once I had finished my bachelor’s degree, I started dreaming of pursuing the academic track and having my own […]

There’s no limit to what scientists can do beyond academia

Tobias Maier

Tobias Maier, scientist and Senior Consultant at hfp consulting answers some questions on career development. What kind of careers can scientists consider beyond academia? Actually, there’s no limit to what jobs scientists can do.  Not only can they access jobs related to academia such as facility manager, lab manager, and project manager but they can […]

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