Win-Win Strategies

Win-Win Strategies for negotiators in science

All academic actors need to negotiate at one point or another, be it the PhD student negotiating an extension to their fellowship, a Postdoc requiring use of a certain technical device, or a PI asking for more staff from the dean, all would benefit from learning the skills that make a good negotiator succeed. This interactive course is for all of them.


  • the majority of our trainers are scientists and have been working with scientists for many years
  • for each course we provide two trainers to balance diversity and expertise


  • position the research group / unit in the best way possible within the organisation
  • reach better results in negotiations with partners and suppliers
  • maintain solid and sustainable relationships with collaborators and co-workers
  • evaluate the own and the partner’s interests
  • be more comfortable with asking for things
  • transform conflicts into solutions

general information

  • this course is for group leaders, Core Facility Managers, professionals in higher administrative  positions
  • we adjust our course modules to the needs of the course participants
  • we work in a process oriented manner
  • the course is conducted in a interactive style
  • each module begins with an introduction by the trainers, followed by breakout activities in small groups

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