Professional Development for Young Scientists

Professional Development for Young Scientists

Usually PhD students and Postdocs find themselves under high pressure trying to fulfill various expectations and demands from their leaders while simultaneously trying to pursue their own projects and advance their own careers. Managing this and other less-than-ideal situations is difficult. We have developed this interactive course  specifically to help deal with these various demands.


  • the majority of our trainers are scientists and have been working with scientists for many years
  • for each course we provide two trainers to balance diversity and expertise


  • improve communication, collaboration and leadership skills
  • understand how to reach career goals
  • improve (self-) organisational skills
  • learn and practice useful tools for the career science
  • be encouraged to establish and maintain a peer support group
  • strengthen the professional network

general information

  • this course is for postdocs or PhD students
  • we adjust our course modules to the needs of the course participants
  • we work in a process oriented manner
  • the course is conducted in a interactive style
  • each module begins with an introduction by the trainers, followed by breakout activities in small groups

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