Grant Writing

grant writing

Most PIs would agree that grant writing is one of the main aspects of their job, and yet it is at times one of the most neglected. Left to the last minute, often grant applications lack the required structure and miss the mark, which forces repeating the cycle once again but with lower motivation. To break this pattern and improve on delivery, we have developed this structured and interactive course.


  • the majority of our trainers are scientists and have been working with scientists for many years
  • we provide two trainers to balance diversity and expertise


  • learn and apply a conceptual, integrated framework for applying for funding
  • build and strengthen a research plan in light of stakeholders and available resources
  • create a blueprint that will increase the fundability of the next grant proposal

general information

  • this course is for postdocs
  • we adjust our course modules to the needs of the course participants
  • we work in a process oriented manner
  • the course is conducted in a interactive style
  • each module begins with an introduction by the trainers, followed by breakout activities in small groups

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